Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This is what happens when couple of friends meet, bring their guitars and pedals and "kill" their time!
A very creative killing time I might say... So in a quick look (yes focus at the pedals please)

Boss DD-3
MXR Phase 100
Proco RAT
Dunlop Wah
Dunlop Wah
EHX Small Stone
EHX Big Muff
Ernie Ball VP jr
Moog Ring Modulator
Boss RE-20
Boss RC-20
Boss T-Wah
Proco RAT
Dunlop Wah
EHX Holy Grail 
EHX Memory Man

of course  TELE SG and LP.  In other words.... Penteli Jam.

Check the results here:

Monday, September 27, 2010

1000 orange amps...

1000mods part 1...
The guys are getting ready for some recording (with Billy Anderson that is \m/ ) so they were too kind to send me a pic with (a part!) of their equipment.

Orange Rocekrverb 50 (new one)
Orange OR120 (from the 70s)
Orange Super Bass (a rare one from late 70s witch is said to be the first dedicated Orange bass amp)

Orange 4x12" (80s cab with Celestion maybe G12-75 I think)
Custom 1x18" (hell yeah)
Orange 4x12" (the classic new one with Celestion V-30)

and of course Roland RE-201 Space Echo

That's all for now!
Check them at